2 thoughts on “UNLOCK YOUR FEARS

  1. Together We Can Heal…In memory of my nephews…Taking one’s live is not a solution…
    No longer with us…slain by “unresolved trauma” of divorce
    & dependence on fast…convenient…DEAD foods…
    In the hope for our society choses to not buy.. the DEAD food &’ wake up’ to “LIVE not ALTERED” …
    Barley Loaves & Fishes foods for the LIFE of the Prefrontal…Thinking Brain…
    Both lost in the “jungle” of fast food…heavy drinking & unresolved trauma….in the last 2 years…
    Many rounds of alcohol rehabs …. a 26 year old (suicide) & a 40 year old…
    Tragic but quick motorcycle accident.
    The Truth about what the “GREED” for profit are hiding from us is now being revealed…

    Our Prefrontal “Thinking” Brain…is loosing out for the sake of “Shelf Life” not our LIFE…
    Believe-not what is on the Front of the Package…Check all ingredients …Read Labels…Google…
    The “profit-making” disease & dysfunction-causing culprits… seem to be:
    Experience sculpts the brain….
    Brain of inferior construction..may not hold up under trauma & unrelenting stress…

    “ALTERED (NATURAL) FOODS….Dead & no longer bioavailable cultures (creating Free Radicals)
    Our choices …what we demand…sells & will drives this…Times are shifting out there…thanks to Google..

    *** BY HEATING OVER 200*…Pasteurizing…Roasting…Toasting… (destroys the “germ” …Prefrontal Brain food)… Raw dairy has legions of helpful (digestion aids) that rendered useless…along with the harmful bacteria…They are matter & need to be filed away in the closed system of our body…
    Imagine a grey film of dead bacteria the next time you take a bit of sweet creamy sugary Ice Cream….
    Dead matter never tasted sooo good…..
    *** BY MILLING FORMERLY Whole Grains…
    (up to 50% if the Prefrontal Brain food & fiber are lost processing (refining or enriching)..
    *** GMO Wheat & Soy & Corn…Whole Wheat…the worst…Celiac Disease…IBS…etc..

    *** BY GENETICALLY MODIFYING so that the body does not recognize them as Bioavailable… (DEAD the are)
    GMO Wheat & Soy & Corn….
    (ESPECIALLY…..ALCOHOL…(Since it is a solvent-& dissolves neural tissue…OK to”TASTE” alcohol but “DRINKING” it distroys (in proportion to the amount that is drunk)…
    EXCESS ANIMAL PROTEIN….Research Dr. Bonnie Bezzhold…Benedictine University…
    causes aggressive behavior…irritability..(violence when mixed with Unresolved Trauma)…
    Taste of & to use as flavor…not eat muscle of meat or drink alcohol to exess…
    I am trying…doing the best that I can with what I have been given…. We are sick of being sick…The Cross..


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