Via Svava Brooks:

Svava was a guest on our Naasca Blogtalk Radio show tonight. She has done a tremendous job of letting other survivors know that they are not alone, and offers so much hope, information on her blog and in her speaking engagements.Here below is a great place to learn more about trauma and healing. Healing our own bodies, which is so very important.


Registration is open now for the Journey to the Heart Summit!!

It is full of good news!! I’ve interviewed over 20 experts on trauma and healing. If you follow the link you can see who the experts are.

In this summit I am interviewing the wonderful Dr. Peter A. Levine, the developer of the Somatic Experiencing™. He also wrote Waking the Tiger a wonderful book about trauma and the body.

It was a true privilege to talk to Dr. Levine and I am excited for all of you to hear it soon. My favorite part about Dr. Levine is the amount of hope he shares with his work. There is much hope!!

“I believe that we humans have the innate capacity not only to heal ourselves, but our world, from the debilitating effects of stress, overwhelm and trauma.” Peter A. Levine, Ph.D.

That is inspiring isn’t it!! Love it!

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